Java to Exe

Screenshot (97)
  1. You need to have an Net-beans project created.

  2. clean and build the project to create the jar file

  3. you need Launch4j software for converting jar to exe

  4. Download and install it,click  download

  5. Run launch4j.exe

  6. Fill these fields
Output file:

Jar :

Screenshot (98)

7.your jar file will be located in            C:\Uses\Your_name\Docruments\NetBeansProjects\projectname\dist\projectname.jar

8.Go to JRE tab set your max and min versions . eg ( min = 1.1.0, max = 1.8.0)

9.Now click to built wrapper button, you will prompt a window to save, save it as config.xml in the same location where you gave your exe path to be saved.

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10.Run it ! (Test wrapper -> icon)

11.You have many features like adding icons.splash screens you are free to explore them.

12.If you stuck in some where watch this video
